For parents of adolescent girls, or if you are a young teenager yourself, you may wonder about when to schedule a first gynecological visit. You may be surprised by the answer including both when and why.
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Sensitive Topics Worth Mentioning To Your OBGYN
Most of us are wary of looking stupid or asking stupid questions, but at your OBGYN, there is no such thing as a “stupid” question or subject. Trust us, we have heard it all. So squelch that feeling, and ask us whatever you want. That’s why we’re here. Here are just some sensitive topics worth mentioning to your OBGYN.
Serious Conditions That Are Often Mistaken For PMS
Premenstrual syndrome or PMS describes a variety of symptoms that occur a week or so before the onset of a woman’s period. Many women have tender breasts, become moody or irritable, and experience bloating and a number of other symptoms to some degree. Any symptom of PMS can vary from mild to severe and women may think they are all normal. This is not necessarily true because there are some serious conditions that are often mistaken for PMS.
Gynecological Symptoms You Should Never Ignore
Your gynecologist has seen and heard it all. Some women, though, become embarrassed about discussing certain topics and avoid telling their doctor about symptoms and specific changes with their bodies. Get over it! This is the one person you can always trust to give you answers and provide the right treatment if there is an issue. So here are some gynecological symptoms you should never ignore.
When Should I See My Gynecologist About Pelvic Pain?
The simple answer to the question, “when should I see my gynecologist about pelvic pain?” is if the pelvic pain is new or different, see your gynecologist. Aside from typical cramps during your period, you shouldn’t be experiencing pain in your pelvic area. Any pain indicates something is awry in your body, so don’t ignore a pain in your reproductive area. Let’s find out why.
Managing Your Hot Flashes In The Summer
The heat is upon us and managing your hot flashes in the summer is no easy task. Unfortunately, wishing it was December won’t help for most, but fortunately there are multiple ways to minimize those insufferable hot flashes!
Self Care Tips For Women Who Suffer From Fibroids
When you have symptoms from fibroids, the pain and disruption they cause can take over your life. These benign tumors in the uterus affect women in their thirties, forties, and right up to menopause. The pain can be relentless and the excessive bleeding can lead to anemia. It’s not easy when you have a family to care for each day, but try some of these self care tips for women who suffer from fibroids.
Don’t Let Periods Rule Your Life
Yes, they show up about every 30 days, they are uncomfortable or sometimes painful, can give you headaches and slow you down, and can transform you into the wicked witch of the east every month before they start. No wonder they’re known as the “curse.” Yes, the decades of having your period affect your life in various ways, but don’t let periods rule your life. Some side effects are normal, but some are definitely not. Let’s look at ways you can gain some control.
11 Signs You Need To Call Your Gynecologist
Most young women begin to see a gynecologist in their teens and by the time they are in their 20s or 30s know the routine, know their bodies, and schedule annual visits. There are times, however, when abnormalities present themselves, and you wonder if you should see your doctor in between your normal visit. The answer is usually yes, and in case you’re in doubt, here are 11 signs you need to call your gynecologist.
5 Things to Know About Robotic Surgery For Gynecologic Cancer
Medical technology continues to improve and innovate the way surgeons can perform surgery. Robotic surgery was approved by the FDA in 2005 and is a relatively new less-invasive technique, but different from both laparoscopic and open surgery. Before undergoing any kind of surgery for gynecologic cancer, discuss with Dr. Gregory Eads these 5 things to know about robotic surgery for gynecologic cancer.
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Award-winning da Vinci robotic surgery for gynecological conditions
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