Our Articles

Is My Painful Intercourse Due to A Gynecologic Condition?

If you have never experienced pain during intercourse, consider yourself lucky. It is actually quite common. 3 out of  4 women have pain during sexual intercourse at some point in their lives. Sometimes it goes away, but for other women it becomes chronic. These women usually ask: Is my painful intercourse due to a gynecologic condition?

How To Perform A Monthly Breast Exam

A monthly breast self-exam is another tool women have in conjunction with annual mammograms to find cancers early and improve survival rates. You use your hands and eyes to detect any changes in the look and feel of your breasts. Not a replacement for annual mammograms, it is still valuable to be familiar with the normal consistencies of your breast. When cancer is detected early, the chances of survival are much improved. Let us go through how to perform a monthly breast exam.

When To Have A Bone Density Scan For Osteoporosis

A bone density test is a helpful tool which screens for problems with your bones before they happen. They can also monitor progress if you have osteoporosis. If you’re concerned about your bone density or risk for osteoporosis, you may be wondering when to have a bone density scan.

When Do Fibroids Need To Be Treated?

When do fibroids need to be treated? The answer is fairly straightforward. If the fibroids are asymptomatic, or cause you no issues, treatment is probably not needed. Whereas, if your fibroids cause you pain and other problems, treatments are available for you to choose from depending on the severity of the symptoms.

Uterine Fibroids: Hysterectomy Is Not Your Only Option

From buying a new car to getting new glasses, everyone offers options. We love options! A one size fits all solution to any problem seems outdated. The same is true with uterine fibroids and a hysterectomy is not your only option. If you suffer with menstrual pain and heavy bleeding from fibroids, don’t despair.

7 Signs Menopause May Be Beginning

Some women glide right through menopause while others agonize for months or years with uncomfortable symptoms. Every woman is different so there is no way to tell how your own passage will affect you. If you are between 45 and 50, you may begin to notice 7 signs menopause may be beginning.

Why You Shouldn’t Ignore A Heavy Menstrual Flow

Most women become familiar with the frequency and typical flow during their period. If something changes, women notice. It could be a missed cycle or two, or suddenly having a heavier than “normal” flow. When any changes occur, it’s important to see your doctor. There are some serious reasons why you shouldn’t ignore a heavy menstrual flow.

Things All Women Should Know About Pelvic Floor Disorders

Childbirth is one of the main causes for pelvic floor disorders, and it can become more severe with each birth, especially if the labor was long or difficult. There are many things all women should know about pelvic floor disorders so let’s review them one at a time.

What Is Causing My Female Pelvic Pain?

“What is causing my pelvic pain?” is a refrain we hear quite frequently at our office in The Woodlands, TX. It can be an issue with the digestive, urinary, or reproductive system, and finding out the primary cause is the only way to reduce or eliminate the symptoms.

6 Signs You May Have Endometriosis

Endometriosis is a confusing condition with various symptoms, no symptoms, or severe symptoms. It’s not always easy to diagnose, leaving many women to suffer with pelvic pain and other unpleasant symptoms for years. Here are six signs you may have endometriosis.