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Questions to Ask Your Doctor if You Have Endometriosis

Each month, your body goes through a cycle. During that cycle, it prepares itself for having baby. That includes building up the uterine lining for implantation. For most women, the lining is built up and shed during their period each month as normal. For some women, the cells that build up normally within the uterus build up within the body cavity outside of the uterus. This is called endometriosis. The women who suffer deal with a number of problems like irregular bleeding, severe pain, and infertility.

If you have endometriosis and you are ready to talk to your doctor about the condition and your options, then the best thing to do is ask the right questions. By getting answers to your questions you can approach your condition, and its treatment, in the best possible manner.

Questions to Ask Your Doctor if You Have Pelvic Pain

If you have chronic pelvic pain during your period or at different times of the month, it is vital that you see a doctor as soon as you can. There are many different conditions that could be responsible for the pain. Some of those conditions are more serious than others. No matter what the cause, you should not have to deal with pelvic pain that can make your life miserable for days at a time.

However, if you have never talked to your doctor before about this issue, you may not know where to begin or what to ask. The most important thing to remember is that you should ask your doctor any questions you have. Do not leave the doctor’s office without getting those questions answered. If you need some help in determining what to ask, listed below you will find common questions that women need answered about chronic pelvic pain, their treatment options, and what it means for their life.

Important Questions to Ask Your Doctor

  • Why do I have pelvic pain? This will need some testing and a diagnosis before your doctor can determine the cause.
  • Can I take pain relievers? Your doctor will most likely suggest you take NSAIDs (over the counter anti-inflammatories) to help manage your pain.
  • What can I do at home to ease my pain? Your doctor will be able to give you home care instructions that will make your pain a little more tolerable before it can be diagnosed and treated.
  • Will my treatment be permanent or will the pain come back? There are some conditions that could come back and will need to be treated at a later date. Surgery could provide a permanent solution if you wish to avoid the chance of recurrence.
  • Are you going to refer me to a specialist? Depending on the type of doctor you see, you may need to see a specialist to have the proper treatment.
  • Will treatment for pelvic pain cause infertility? This is an important question to ask especially if you are young and have not yet had children. In some severe cases, the best avenue for treatment could be surgery. For those cases, there could be a fertility issue to keep in mind.
  • Do I have other treatment options? In some cases, you may actually have more than one treatment choice. You will want to discuss each of them with your doctor to determine which one is best for you.
  • What is my expected outcome? Depending on your cause of pelvic pain, you could have different types of outcomes. You need to discuss this with your doctor before starting any treatment.

Pelvic pain can be very disruptive to your lifestyle. This is a condition that you do not want to live with on a regular basis, especially if there is a more serious underlying cause. Be sure to get all of your questions answered before you start any treatment option for your pain.


Causes and Treatment for Heavy Bleeding

I Have Heavy Bleeding. What Are My Treatment Options?

There is actually a name for this type of condition. It is called Menorrhagia. There can be fluctuations in the amount of bleeding from one woman to the next, but for some women the bleeding and cramping would be enough to cause an interruption in their lives each month. If you do, in fact, have Menorrhagia, then there are a number of different causes as well as different treatments depending on the cause. You will need to speak to your doctor about your concerns in order to reach a diagnosis.

Is It Normal or Is It Menorrhagia?

Of course, you need to determine if you just have a heavy period or if your bleeding would actually fall into the abnormal category. The average woman loses between two and three tablespoons of blood with each period, but a woman who loses five or six tablespoons of blood or more during their period would be considered abnormal. How does this translate in terms that you can easily understand? Here are the common signs of Menorrhagia:

  • You have to change your pad or tampon every hour instead of every four hours or so.
  • You have to use a combination of pads and tampons at the same time to keep from accidents.
  • You have to change your pad or tampon during the night.
  • Your period lasts for longer than a week.
  • Your flow includes large clots of blood.
  • You feel tired, short of breath, or generally fatigued when you have your period.

If you have these symptoms, then you need to consider making a doctor’s appointment. These are not normal menstrual signs and do indicate Menorrhagia.

Common Causes of Heavy Bleeding

If you do have a case of severe bleeding during your period, then there are different causes that could be the culprit. Your doctor will diagnose the cause and then determine the best treatment. Common causes include the following:

  • Imbalance of hormones
  • Fibroids in the uterus
  • Polyps in the uterus or the cervix
  • Use of an IUD (Intrauterine Device)
  • Cancer, including uterine, ovarian, or cervical (rare)
  • Side effects of certain medications

Chances are, you could rule out a few of these based on how long you have had the heavy menstrual bleeding and whether or not you take any medications.


Because Menorrhagia can disrupt your life, cause heavy pain, and lead to issues like anemia and iron deficiency, it is important that you get the condition treated. The treatment used for your condition will be based on your health and the reason you have heavy bleeding. Your doctor may suggest some of the following:

  • NSAIDs – over the counter anti-inflammatories can relieve cramping.
  • Oral Contraceptives – birth control pills can reduce the amount of bleeding and the length of the period.
  • Progesterone replacement – this hormone can correct any hormone imbalances.
  • Surgical therapies – there are a few different surgical treatments that can be used to correct Menorrhagia, such as: surgical polyp or cyst removal, endometrial ablation, endometrial resection, and hysterectomy. Many of these procedures are now done with minimally invasive methods. Your doctor will suggest surgical corrections if you have such conditions as polyps and cysts or concerns with blood vessel congestion. In many cases, surgery is the best option to relieve your heavy bleeding now and in the future.

Heavy bleeding is not just a hassle. It is a condition that can truly disrupt your life. Between the constant worry of the heavy bleeding, the cramps, and the risk of anemia, Menorrhagia is not something that you should continue living with. Be sure to talk to your doctor about your treatment options.






Know Your Treatment Options for Gynecologic Cancer

A wide variety of gynecologic cancers can affect a woman’s reproductive system, which consists of the uterus, vagina, ovaries and fallopian tubes.

Female reproductive anatomy

The most common types of gynecologic cancers are cervical, endometrial (uterine) and ovarian cancer. The specific type of cancer a woman has and how advanced it is, will determine her available treatment options. Women with early stage gynecologic cancer are often treated with hysterectomy – the surgical removal of the uterus. In this procedure, the doctor may also remove the ovaries, fallopian tubes and/or select lymph nodes. Hysterectomy is the second most common surgical procedure for women in the US., and an estimated one third of all U.S. women will have a hysterectomy by age 60.

Minimally Invasive Solution for Pelvic Prolapse

For many women, surgery may be the best treatment option to repair pelvic prolapse, including vaginal vault prolapse. da Vinci surgery offers a robotic, minimally invasive for the sacrocolpopexy procedure. Surgical mesh is used to hold the affected pelvic organ(s) in the correct anatomical position. This procedure can also be performed after a hysterectomy to treat uterine prolapse. It provides long-term support of the vagina.

da Vinci Sacrocolpopexy offers several potential benefits over traditional open surgery, including:

  • Less blood loss
  • Minimal need for blood transfusions
  • Shorter hospital stay

Potential benefits of da Vinci Surgery compared to traditional laparoscopy include:

  • Less blood loss
  • Much shorter operation
  • Small incisions for minimal scarring

To learn more check out our section on [Pelvic Prolapse].


17 Million U.S. Women Encounter Urinary Incontinence

Approximately 17 million women in the U.S. encounter urinary incontinence in their lifetime, often affecting women between the ages of 18 and 60. Common symptoms include:

  • an inability to prevent leaking urine when exercising or other involuntary actions such as coughing or sneezing
  • an overwhelming urge to urinate that often causes them to urinate before getting to a bathroom.

A variety of treatment options are available for urinary incontinence depending on each specific condition. Some treatment options include:

  • Catheter
  • Medications
  • Behavior Therapies
  • Pelvic Muscle Exercises

Less Pain and Shorter Hospital Stays with da Vinci Hysterectomy

Da Vinci Surgery offers a minimally invasive option to the typical large incision hysterectomy surgery.  da Vinci Hysterectomy requires only a few tiny incisions, so you can get back to your life faster.

The da Vinci System enables your doctor to perform a minimally invasive hysterectomy even for complex conditions — with enhanced vision, precision, dexterity and control. da Vinci Hysterectomy offers women many potential benefits over traditional surgery, including:

  • Less pain1
  • Fewer complications2
  • Less blood loss3,4
  • Shorter hospital stay4
  • Low risk of wound infection5
  • Quicker recovery and return to normal activities6

Signs, Symptoms and Treatment for Pelvic Prolapse

Pelvic prolapse is usually accompanied by some degree of vaginal vault prolapse. Vaginal vault prolapse occurs when the upper part of the vagina loses its shape and sags into the vaginal canal or outside the vagina. Pelvic prolapse may also involve sagging or slipping of other pelvic organs, including the bladder, the urethra which is the tube next to the vagina that allows urine to leave your body, and rectum.

Signs & Symptoms

  • Sensation of sitting on a small ball
  • Heaviness or pulling in the pelvis
  • Pelvic or abdominal pain
  • Pain during intercourse
  • Protrusion of tissue from the opening of the vagina
  • Repeated bladder infections
  • Vaginal bleeding or an unusual or excessive discharge
  • Constipation
  • Frequent urination or an urgent need to empty your bladder


Most women seek treatment by the time the uterus drops to the opening of the vagina. Losing weight, stopping smoking and getting proper treatment for contributing medical problems, such as lung disease, may slow the progression of pelvic prolapse.

If you have very mild pelvic prolapse – without any symptoms – or very mild symptoms, treatment is usually unnecessary. However, keep in mind that without treatment, you may continue to lose uterine support, which could cause more severe symptoms.

Request a consultation: (832) 813-0979

Uterine Fibroid removal using da Vinci Myomectomy

Each year, roughly 65,000 myomectomies are performed in the U.S. A new category of minimally invasive myomectomy, da Vinci ® Myomectomy, combines the best of open and laparoscopic surgery.

Among the potential benefits of da Vinci Myomectomy as compared to traditional open abdominal surgery are:

  • Opportunity for future pregnancy
  • Significantly less pain
  • Less blood loss
  • Fewer complications
  • Less scarring
  • A shorter hospital stay
  • A faster return to normal daily activities

da Vinci ® Myomectomy is performed with the da Vinci ® Surgical System, which allows your surgeon to perform a minimally invasive, yet remarkably precise, comprehensive reconstruction of the uterine wall, regardless of the size or location of your fibroids.

Read more about da Vinci ® Myomectomy surgery