Category: Heavy Bleeding

Abnormal Bleeding: When Should You See an OBGYN?

Most women are familiar with the pattern of their menstrual cycle. Typically they bleed anywhere from four to seven days, and that is considered normal. Other women are not so lucky, and there is no rhyme or reason to their bleeding schedule.Continue reading

Endometrial Ablation: Your Questions Answered

Women who bleed between periods, have a very heavy flow, or experience periods that last longer than normal may be candidates for endometrial ablation. This procedure removes the endometrium or lining of the uterus. Endometrial ablation: your questions answered. … Continue reading

Why You Shouldn’t Ignore A Heavy Menstrual Flow

Most women become familiar with the frequency and typical flow during their period. If something changes, women notice. It could be a missed cycle or two, or suddenly having a heavier than “normal” flow. When any changes occur, it’s important to see your doctor. … Continue reading

Serious Conditions That Are Often Mistaken For PMS

Premenstrual syndrome or PMS describes a variety of symptoms that occur a week or so before the onset of a woman’s period. Many women have tender breasts, become moody or irritable, and experience bloating and a number of other symptoms to some degree. … Continue reading

Don’t Let Periods Rule Your Life

Yes, they show up about every 30 days, they are uncomfortable or sometimes painful, can give you headaches and slow you down, and can transform you into the wicked witch of the east every month before they start. No wonder they’re known as the “curse.” Yes, … Continue reading

Causes and Treatment for Heavy Bleeding

I Have Heavy Bleeding. What Are My Treatment Options?
There is actually a name for this type of condition. It is called Menorrhagia. There can be fluctuations in the amount of bleeding from one woman to the next,Continue reading